Arctiumsol Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Hepatobiliary system, Spagyric compounds, Urinary system
Aurum Alba Adaptogens, AURUM, Cardiovascular system, Hormonal system, Immune system, Nervous system, Urinary system
Blue Sapphire Alchemical Gems, Gastrointestinal system, Hepatobiliary system, Osteoarticular system, Respiratory system, Urinary system
Bodythin Body cleansers, Body weight balance, Draining body fluids, Non-alcoholic liquids, Urinary system
Bronchiol – raspberry flavour Bronchial secretions, For the baby, Non-alcoholic liquids, Respiratory system
Clorofilin Antioxidants, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Immune system, Skin and scalp, Spagyric compounds
Drenasol Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Hepatobiliary system, Skin and scalp, Spagyric compounds, Urinary system
Eparenol Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Hepatobiliary system, Spagyric compounds, Urinary system
HS 102 Bardana Comp. Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Hepatobiliary system, Non-alcoholic liquids, Skin and scalp, Urinary system
HS 109 Uva Ursi Comp. Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Non-alcoholic liquids, Skin and scalp, Urinary system
Magsol 5 Plus Cardiovascular system, Immune system, Nervous system, Osteoarticular system, Skin and scalp, Tablets, View, Vitamins and Minerals
MSA JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS – young shoots (Juniper) Hepatobiliary system, M.S.A., Osteoarticular system, Urinary system
MSA BIRCH SAP – Betula verrucosa sap (White Birch) Draining body fluids, M.S.A., Osteoarticular system, Urinary system
MSA QUERCUS PEDUNCOLATA – buds (Oak or English oak) Adaptogens, M.S.A., Memory and cognitive functions
MSA ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS – young shoots (Rosemary) Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, M.S.A.
MSA SEQUOIA GIGANTEA – young shoots (Sequoia) Adaptogens, M.S.A., Memory and cognitive functions, Urinary system
Olea D3 Junior For the baby, Immune system, Non-alcoholic liquids, Osteoarticular system, Vitamins and Minerals
Olea D3 Max Cardiovascular system, Immune system, Non-alcoholic liquids, Osteoarticular system, Respiratory system, Vitamins and Minerals
Olea D3 Plus Cardiovascular system, Immune system, Non-alcoholic liquids, Osteoarticular system, Respiratory system, Vitamins and Minerals
QSA Rosmarino Antioxidants, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Hepatobiliary system, QSA (Spagyric-Alchemical Quintessences)
Radio-Act Antioxidants, Hormonal system, Immune system, Memory and cognitive functions, Skin and scalp, Tablets, View
Sulfonil Antioxidants, Capsules, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Nervous system, Osteoarticular system, Respiratory system, Skin and scalp
Taraxsol Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Hepatobiliary system, Skin and scalp, Spagyric compounds
TSA ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM – flowers (Yarrow) Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Hormonal system, T.S.A.
TSA ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS – top (Alchemilla) Gastrointestinal system, Hormonal system, Respiratory system, T.S.A., Urinary system
TSA ARCTIUM LAPPA – root (Burdock) Body cleansers, Draining body fluids, Hepatobiliary system, Skin and scalp, T.S.A.
TSA CALENDULA OFFICINALIS – flowers (Calendula) Hormonal system, Respiratory system, Skin and scalp, T.S.A., Urinary system
TSA CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA – flowers and leaves (Hawthorn) Cardiovascular system, Nervous system, T.S.A.
TSA ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA – top (Echinacea) Immune system, Respiratory system, T.S.A., Urinary system
TSA EQUISETUM ARVENSE – top (horsetail, horsetail, brist) Draining body fluids, Osteoarticular system, Skin and scalp, T.S.A., Urinary system
TSA JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS – berries (Juniper) Draining body fluids, Osteoarticular system, T.S.A., Urinary system
TSA ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS – leaves (Rosemary) Antioxidants, Cardiovascular system, Hepatobiliary system, T.S.A.
TSA TARAXACUM OFFICINALE – root (Dandelion) Body cleansers, Hepatobiliary system, T.S.A., Urinary system
TSA UNCARIA TOMENTOSA – Inner part of the bark of the roots (Cat’s Claw) Immune system, Osteoarticular system, T.S.A.
TSA VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS – berries (Blueberry) Antioxidants, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, T.S.A., View