About us
Herboplanet Srl was founded in Cesena in 1999 thanks to the vision of its Sole Director Giancarlo Salomoni and the strong expertise gained since 1982 as a director of structured companies operating in the homeopathic and phytotherapeutic fields. The founder’s profound knowledge and passion for spagyric and phyto-preparation techniques, combined with the use of the latest technologies, have enabled him to create a company that today represents Italian excellence in the field of dietary and phytotherapeutic supplements. His sons Andrea and Alessandro joined him in the business: the former as Production Manager, the latter as Sales Manager.
Herboplanet carries a philosophy that is rooted in the history of natural medicine, but is supported by new techniques to offer, to those who care about their well-being, safe and effective products.
Herboplanet in the world
Holding all the certifications required by the Ministry of Health, Herboplanet Srl has a new office in Spain, and markets its products in Belgium, France, Holland, Luxembourg and Switzerland through a reliable and widespread distribution network.
Vision and Values
“Ancient Philosophy and Modern Techniques. Herboplanet’s distinctive motto is the spirit that animates our daily commitment and represents the Vision on which Giancarlo Salomoni founded the entire company.
Already known among the most ancient civilizations, the healing power of plants has spanned the centuries and can now boast new and effective applications. Using cutting-edge technologies that allow for increasingly precise and careful extraction and processing of plants, Herboplanet offers supplements designed “the way it used to be” but as effective as expected from modern science. Inspired by alchemical work, Spagyric pharmacopoeia, and ancient plant processes, Herboplanet has introduced a proprietary methodology-named Spagyric-Alchemical-that allows for maximum plant active ingredients while respecting the environment and at the same time ensuring the best possible quality to the extracts.
A wide range of dietary and herbal supplements for effective natural remedies that gratify both those who recommend and those who take them. This is Herboplanet’s Mission, carried out over the years with perseverance and dedication to ensure products of the highest quality.
Herboplanet’s supplements are designed and manufactured to provide physicians, pharmacists and herbalists with 100% plant-derived, safe and proven solutions that they can confidently recommend to their clients in the knowledge that they are contributing to their physiological well-being.
End-consumers will find Herboplanet products a valuable support, being able to count on specific formulas for each need and liquid, solid, cream or powder compositions as needed.
Research and experimentation/location and facilities: production laboratory
The cornerstone of Herboplanet is the process of researching and experimenting with the substances that make up the compounds. In our production laboratory inside our Cesena facility, using modern extractors, distillers and circulators, we derive the active ingredients of plants and turn them into quality supplements.
Production: we have developed a new extraction technology that, through changes in pressure between the solid matrix of the plant and the outside, allows the extraction of all components not bound to the phytocomplex.
The use of these modern transformation processes ensures the maintenance of the integrity as well as the concentration of substances in plants.
It is thanks to the combination of ancient philosophy with the use of these new transformation processes that Herboplanet is able to obtain a production methodology, called by Giancarlo Salomoni “Spagyrico-Alchemica,” which allows him to produce TSA(Tintura Spagyrico Alchemica) and MSA(Macerato Spagyrico Alchemico).
Quality: controls and standards
Raw materials
We guarantee the quality of our supplements starting with the raw materials, with certificates of compliance, purchased only from qualified suppliers who obtain our approval through periodic audits. Raw materials, already upon acceptance at the farm, undergo rigorous checks inherent to bacterial load, absence of heavy metals and radioactivity. Having verified that all parameters are met, the machining process begins.
Along the entire production chain, continuous sampling is carried out on the processed and processed raw materials for routine investigations: alcohol content, microbial load, and organoleptic characteristics of all products are measured to ensure that the content of active ingredients corresponds to that required.
Herboplanet’s in-house testing laboratory allows for real-time testing.
To ensure even higher safety, accredited external laboratories proceed to evaluate additional specific parameters. Finished products are marketed only after passing all inspections.
Even in packaging, our goal is to ensure the quality of the product over time, up to the expiration date.
Certifications and production standards
Seriousness, transparency, specificity and quality are Herboplanet’s guarantees to its customers for 100% effective and natural products that help improve and support physiological well-being.
Before the commercialization stage, our products are tested by Universities and Specialty Clinics, thanks to collaborations with these institutes. We have partnerships with professional Doctors and Biologists, who have the opportunity to test the supplements and judge their validity, in advance of their sale to end consumers.
As a result of these strict controls, all Herboplanet products are certified and notified as dietary supplements at the Italian Ministry of Health. They are also notified in Spain, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
Not only quality. Ensuring transparency and comprehensibility about the content of marketed products is our priority to consumers and practitioners. For this reason, the labels of our products are clear and detailed, bearing all the specifications necessary to make the contents, composition, and concentration of the preparation better understood.
To whom it is addressed
Herboplanet supplements target healthcare professionals who also use phytotherapeutic methods to support patient health. The products are presented by our sales representatives, who use solid company training, and are delivered directly and extensively throughout Italy through a network of distributors and wholesalers.
Herboplanet supplements are marketed at:
- Pharmacies
- Parapharmacies
- Herbalists
Designed for the satisfaction and well-being of the end-customer, Herboplanet products can count on the credibility and reliability given by Doctors, Biologists, Universities and specialist clinics who have approved their efficacy before sale.
Courses and lectures
Herboplanet Srl, strengthened by its experience in the field of natural, spagyric and phytotherapeutic medicine, is not limited to the production and marketing of its products. Realizing the importance of preparing operators in order to best recommend the product, the company continuously organizes training courses, conferences and seminars. Aimed at both the professional body and its employees, these training days are designed to implement awareness among physicians, naturopaths, pharmacists and herbalists not only about our supplements, but also about issues in the field of integrative medicine, phytotherapy applied to problems of the human body and the value of spagyric techniques.
Some numbers:
- more than 350 references
- present in 7 European countries
- team of 50 staff members
- 16 product lines