Experimentation of TMG

TMG aka trimethylglycine

N,N,N-trimethylglycine is a methylating agent; it plays a very important role in the detoxification process against a strong oxidant and free radical generator, homeocystin, which, if its value is high, is a major cause of cardiovascular disease.

N,N,N-trimethylglycine, so called because it has three methyl groups linked to glycine via nitrogen atoms, once ingested is transformed by the liver into N,N-dimethylglycine and brings to the body all the benefits of the latter, but with a greater antioxidant effect, precisely because of the presence of an extra methyl group, which will bind with a free radical.

N,N,N-trimethylglycine to be effective must be pure, that is, anhydrous, because in this form 100 grams of N,N,N-trimethylglycine contains one gram of water and the rest is pure N,N,N-trimethylglycine.
As we have mentioned N,N,N-trimethylglycine by losing one of its methyl groups transforms into N,N-dimethylglycine, which intervenes in the Krebs cycle, so let’s go over the benefits of N,N-dimethylglycine.

General description and formulation

N,N-Dimethylglycine is an intricate part of human metabolism and in biochemical terms can be considered an intermediate metabolite. Recent U.S. studies have demonstrated the value and efficacy of dimethylglycine as an anti-stress dietary supplement and that it is able to give the following benefits:

– Increasing the energy process in the body
– Aids cardiovascular function
– Improving glucose metabolism
– Improving oxygen utilization
– Stimulating immuno response

Dimethylglycine can therefore improve the physical and mental performance of individuals under stress and help the body in recovery and regenerative processes when caused by intense exercise.

What is dimethylglycine?

N,N-dimethylglycine (it is permissible to give N,N-dimethylglycine only the name dimethylglycine) is the dimethylated derivative of the simple amino acid Glycine, in which two methyl groups are attached via a nitrogen atom to a Glycine molecule.

Although research has shown dimethylglycine to be a physiologically active component, it is not a true vitamin, as no symptoms have ever been associated with its deficiency in animal or human diets. Dimethylglycine should be classified with other food accessory factors and vitamin-like substances, such as Choline, Inositol, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA), and Orotic Acid (Vitamin B-13) .

Dimethylglycine, or its associated salts and complex proteins, is found naturally, in low levels, in some foods, such as meat, seeds and grains. DMG is not found in high levels because as an intermediate metabolite it is rapidly metabolized by other important secondary substrates. Dimethylglycine can be considered an important anti-stress dietary supplement J.W. Meduski, Ph. D., of the University of Southern California School of Medicine, has called DMG a “Metabolic Intensifier.”

Sebbene il corpo umano produca la dimetilglicina dalla Colina e Betaina, accrescere l’assunzione nella dieta di questo integratore alimentare può, significativamente, migliorare l’adattamento biologico agli stress fisici e mentali ed aiutare il recupero di affezioni degenerative.

Via Rovescio, 165 - 47522 Cesena FC

+39 0547 353358
